November 6: Where did I go???

We've been busy!

A is doing great at preschool. He's really having fun with phonics, letters, and learning to read. He also is *H-U-G-E* into heroes, pirates, sword-fighting and all things related to Halloween. Also, capes are the new jeans in our house. And masks. Love the masks.

A few days ago, I took A to get a H1N1 flu vaccination. When G and I called our doctors' office, they said that they only had the inhaled H1N1 vaccine. So on our way to the doctors' office, I told A about the inhaled vaccine and we called it a "sniffy vaccine". After waiting a little over a half an hour to get the vaccine, we went into the nurse practitioner's room to get the vaccine. Well, they gave us the wrong form when we checked in (and received shot vaccines from the county health agency), so the nurse practitioner whipped out a shot. Well, A f-r-e-a-k-s out, raising holy hell, shrieking "NO SHOTS! SNIFFY! I WANT THE SNIFFY!!!!" I have my arms and legs wrapped around him to keep him from bolting out of the place. When I explained the situation to the nurse practitioner, she had a good laugh at us (note: I still have A in a headlock) and leaves to rustle up some sniffy vaccine. A is still freaking out, so I say, "Hey, who wants ice cream after their sniffy vaccine?!?" Well, that shut down the freak out in about 0.1 seconds. And, as soon as we finished with the sniffy, we got us some ice cream.

Today, when I picked him up from preschool, A comes running up to me, yelling "I GOTTA CELL PHONE TODAY!" I look at his teachers like "What the...?" They said that he won a bingo game and got to pick his "prize". The teachers just smiled a whole bunch and said it was in A's backpack, and we had to wait until we got home to open it up. When we got home, we opened up the backpack, and Voila! A Hannah Montana calculator (the cell phone), pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, and paper. Hannah Montana everywhere. A had no idea that there was even a girl on all of his "prizes". He also walked around the house most of the afternoon, talking on his cellphone. Or calculator. Whatever.

So B is such a big boy now! He turned six months on the 28th. Two days after he turned six months, he started sitting up on his own. Today, he was sitting up for a good twenty minutes at a time. He's also very tired of his bouncy chair, rocking chair, and anything that keeps him in one place for any length of time. He's at the point where he r-e-a-l-l-y wants to crawl, and is trying to scootch on the floor.

On the food front, B's a huge fan of rice rusks (a/k/a Baby Mum Mums) and eating in general. He's also getting to the point where he's definitely interested in trying to feed himself, which results in many, many spoons on the floor and much screeching during dinners. And many gagging instances, as B tries to shove spoons in his mouth. Nice. I think we're going to try graham crackers.

G is doing well. His band is getting ready for its first gig (playing at his birthday party), and he's working on woodworking a good bit. Work seems to be going well for him.

I decided to take a leave of absence from grad school. It wasn't working out for the family, and we didn't see a lot of career opportunities arising from the exercise. I might take a class or two on an ongoing basis, but it's probably going to be pretty limited. That unfortunately leaves me with a bit more time on my hands than I'm comfy with.


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