Blue Bees?

So I was shopping for bras online today. I know, this is a little more honest than I normally get, but it's worth it. The place I usually get bras has a buy one get one free sale going on, so it's worth it. In any case, Little B toddles over, "That?" he asks, "That?" I didn't immediately respond, so he says, "BUBBIES!!! BUBBIES! BUBBIES!" (pointing to what is in fact a page of bubbies covered by bras). To which Big A, who is in the other room reading a book, responds by saying, "Blue bees!?!?! I've never seen blue bees before, I want to see them! Where are the blue bees?" I quickly went to google, and as he got to my computer, I had up a nice site on blue orchard beeds, which are a type of mason bee. Oh thank you, thank you google! Mwah! Love you! We had a nice little lesson on bees. I still haven't gotten the bras ordered, unfortunately.


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