ETL Recipe: Gazpacho

I am changing the way that *I* eat, in addition to working on the boys' eating. Sounds like just a little more crazy to add to the mix, right? In any case, my preferred eating method (I will not, for goodness sake, call it a "lifestyle" or "diet") is Eat to Live (ETL). There are a few really good websites on Eat to Live, my favorite being It is excellent. The basics of ETL is that it is a low-fat, high-nutrient, vegan diet. The fatfreevegan site has a good summary of the ins and outs of it.

While the fatfreevegan site has great recipes, I find myself looking through the cookbooks I have at home for inspiration for ETL, perhaps to it feels less like a change? Perhaps? In any case, I made some delicious gazpacho today, and want to keep the recipe handy... what better way to do so than to put it on the internet, right?

Gazpacho (ETL Friendly)

1 yellow pepper
1/2 English cucumber
1/2 8-inch zucchini
3 large stalks of celery
1/2 cup cilantro
4 large tomatoes
2T spice mix
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup sweet onion
2T lime juice
2 cups water (or tomato juice, if you want a more red colored gazpacho. I will admit that mine is not the most appetizing of colors... it's more of a brownish color with the red of the tomatoes not strong enough to overwhelm all the green of the rest of the recipe).

Wash all veggies. Seed pepper. Cut off ends of cucumber, celery and zucchini. Peel garlic. Quarter all veggies, or chop them into whatever sized pieces your blender can handle. Put half of everything in blender and puree. When done, puree the second batch. Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary. I don't use salt in mine, but do what you must. I store my soup in a rubbermaid drink container. I serve with chopped tomato and avocado. In any case, it's delish.

Spice Mix

1 T black pepper
3 T nutritional yeast
1/2 c garlic powder
1/2 c onion powder
1 cup salt-free dehydrated soup mix (I get mine from the bulk food section of Freddies, it's just dehydrated veggies and parsley)

Grind the soup mix and nutritional yeast in a coffee grinder. Mix rest of ingredients and store in air-tight container. I use this for everything.


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