January 30: BIG changes (not really)

So A has been on a tear today. This morning, as I'm trying to convince the kid to get his clothes on, he finally capitulates, and then runs to Little B and says, with utmost seriousness: "Little B, you have to stay with Momma and Dada. It's safe with them. I'm gonna go get my clothes on and it could get ugly." He then ran up the stairs yelling, "Don't wait for me... save yourselves!!!" Wow. We are in full-on pretend mode lately!

Then, as we drove to the zoo to hang out with Mimi, Hea, and Henry (my name for Liam... it's complicated), A announces, "Um, I'm going to marry O." (O being a little girl from preschool). This is really the first that A has ever mentioned about girls, let alone marriage, so both G and I went on high alert. "Hmm," I said. "That's nice. O seems like a great person." "Oh..." replies A. "Well, really O and I got married a long time ago. I didn't tell you, though." Well. I didn't know they were so liberal at preschool!

The zoo was fun -- Mimi actually convinced Little B to walk a bit (he's not much a fan of walking, but with Mimi's influence, I'm pretty sure he will be running around soon enough!). A told me that he's hungry ALL. THE. TIME. now, and ate double his normal snacks today (in addition to his normal meals). Not sure what is going on, but I'm afraid we have another growth spurt on our hands. I'm guessing we're going to blow out of the size 5s pretty quickly.

Little B seems to be growing, as well. I'm not sure the numbers will prove me correct, but he seems to be getting much taller and at least a little heavier. Fingers crossed! Little B is teething again -- God help us -- this time the eye teeth/canines. He's gnawing on everything, including his family members. Yee-ouch! Tonight he ate jello and licked corn on the cob (from the freezer)!

I am working with A on reading. He's doing great, and I'm having a good time teaching him. It is largely question of finding the right motivation, which we have done (in spades). A wants video games. Specifically, a Star Wars video game (notwithstanding the fact that he's never *seen* Star Wars). Happily enough, LeapFrog has a hand-held video game console that is allegedly educational, with a few Star Wars game options. In any case, A is doing great on his reading. He's pretty much mastered the three letter, one vowel words (mug, rug, dug, cat, hat, rat...). Tonight we did double consonants at the end of the word (pass, fill, pill, will, etc). A has said he wants to start learning math as well, so we're going to start doing that as soon as we figure out a curriculum to use.

As for G and I, well, we still have colds. So far, I have been under the weather since December 12. We finished up antibiotics about two weeks ago. I promptly picked up a new cold while in Detroit. G's new cold is significantly worse than mine. We're both a little tired of the colds, though. A and Little B seem to be doing much better than either Greg or me.

A and I are watching Swiss Family Robinson for the first time tonight. I forget how much I love the movie!


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