And onto other topics...

So things are fun here, as usual. We have officially designated November as the "Month of Peace." We have had a *horrible* time with "bad guys" invading our house, so the boys have been working over-time "guarding" the house, training, and whatnot. Well, in happy news, I negotiated a "peace treaty" with the bad guys, so this month the training and guarding can STOP. I need the break.

As further reason as to why we need a Month of Peace, I offer the following proof: Little B started a few classes through our local Parks and Recreation District, namely a music and an art class. During music class, all the kiddos (age 2.5 to 3.5 ish) are sitting on their little blue mats, singing the ABCs... Little B jumps up, assumes a "fighting stance" and starts bellowing, "Bad guys at my house! Bad guys at my house! Need my sword! Where my sword!?!" Then he starts running around the circle of little blue mats, growling. Oh my goodness. The fabulous mortification.

Big A has had a rough time with school. I'm bummed about the situation -- I had truly hoped that he would have a good school experience. Right now, not so much. I hope we can figure something else out for him.


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