Big A's Super Simple Tomato Sauce and Secret Seasoning Mix

I use this blog as a way to keep in touch, it's true. But I also sporadically post recipes so that I don't forget them. Silly use of technology, but that's how I roll. In any case, many of you know that Big A has a simple palate, and is unwilling (for the most part) to try new things. Well, one thing he has been rocking on lately is tomato sauce -- pizza, noodles and meatballs, bread stick dipping. In any case, our stumbling point has been finding a sauce that meets Big A's criteria, which is ... shall we say ... inflexible. The sauce cannot (repeat, cannot) have any lumps, flecks of things (read: herbs), or spice in it. It should be a little sweet, but not too sweet. As such, I give you ...

Big A's Super Simple Tomato Sauce
1 1/2 c water (to start) -- or you could use broth, if you're fancy
1/2 t seasoned salt
1 T secret seasoning mix (below)
1 t sugar
1 c tomato paste (I buy the ginormous can of tomato paste from Costco and then separate it out into baggies and freeze it)

Put first four ingredients into a saucepan, and heat to a simmer. Add tomato paste and heat through. Add additional water if too thick (depends on application you will be using the sauce for). Taste and make sure you have enough salt and sugar for your palate.  It doesn't get much easier than that.

Secret Seasoning Mix
This makes a huge amount of seasoning, but I use it as a base for just about everything
1/2 c dried vegetables (I get mine from Freddies in the bulk food section, with the spices. The blend includes carrots, peas, celery, onions, and a few other things)
1/4 c Italian seasoning mix (again, from bulk)
2 T peppercorns
2 T dried onions
1 T rosemary

Grind in a spice grinder until very, very fine. My spice grinder requires me to do this in batches. I store the spice mix in a glass jar. Grinding the spices finely permits me to flavor foods without the boys knowing that I'm using "green things"...


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