July 8: One Ounce!

So Little B gained an ounce last week! We're very happy. Tomorrow is more testing, which we hope goes well.

It is HOT! HOT! HOT! here in the Pacific Northwest. We're trying to stay cool, but it's pretty tough to do. Today when we left the pediatricians, G's car went a little insane -- the heater and cooling didn't work, the windows wouldn't open, and the blinkers didn't work. I drove it home and it was about 104 degrees (the thermometer and clock, it would seem, worked fine). Luckily, the boys were with G in the van, which worked fine. Holy cow, that was hot!!!

In any case, A seemed to be in an OK mood today. At least he wasn't upset to be in "our" family today. Yesterday he learned that different families have different rules, which meant that A sort of wanted a different family with better rules. Well, we had pizza for dinner, which helped. We also had pudding, so we're well on our way to being back into his good graces! :-)


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