Day 37: A glimmer ...

So this is pretty cool: Little B has been getting interested in eating. He used to just sit at the dinner table, briefly, and then get down (or be a stinker until we let him get down). We'd put things out for him to taste/eat, but he'd really just leave them be. Well, in the last week, he's started to ask for the food that we're eating to be put on his plate. On Monday, Little B chewed... and swallowed ... some colby jack cheese. On Tuesday, Little B gnawed on chips and sour cream (not a great advance, he's licked sour cream for some time). Tonight, he actually ate pasta (technically, Wacky Mac, which A just *loves*). And I mean he had five or six pieces. He then wanted a cookie, some juice, and peanut butter. Well, all I can say is "Eat baby, eat!"

Sadly, we are going back to "full-strength" chemo on Monday. Hopefully, we can maintain some of the good momentum that we've been trying to build.

A is stumping me a bit on eating. He's super hungry all the time, but unwilling to actually eat more at meals (he is afraid he will get a belly ache). So he's now eating three meals and four snacks daily. He's still not got a bit of fat on him, grr. He is growing like a weed -- he's out of the size fives and firmly in size six. Every few days he'll put on a shirt that fit well a few months ago, but now shows his belly (literally), or ankles (literally). He also got new shoes last weekend, as his feet are also growing. He looks like such a big kid!

Mimi and He have been working hard to re-do the basement. It is amazing looking so far, and it still doesn't have doors! I can't wait to see it when they have all of their things in. Hmmm, maybe we can talk Mimi into inviting us over for dinner! :-)


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