September 3: Easy does it...

I'm rather surprised at how athletic A is. I mean, he certainly didn't inherit much athleticism from me, but perhaps some from G. But that kid can bat like no one's business. It is amazing (ok, for me, as a parent). I'm not sure he'll actually enjoy t-ball, as he really does seem to enjoy someone pitching to him.

Also, I have to admire the creativity of G, A and Little B. Today G and A were playing "golf-baseball" -- G would hit a wiffle golf ball with a gap wedge (per G) such that the ball would fly in the air, roughly like a baseball pitch. A would then hit the golf ball with his bat. Little B would toddle around, trying to steal the ball. Everyone is happy.

I am apparently going to need to make some additional flannel blankets for the Fort Wayne relatives! :0) Well, as soon as I get some of my baby blankets off the sewing table.


  1. yeah, i was kinda like A in that i would rather hit a pitch instead of a tee (which i did more often than not)... sounds like the Ebert Games 2010 are well underway!!


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