December 27: Winding down 2010... thankfully!

Well, 2010 has been one for the books. The holidays have been rather wonderful for us -- relaxing, homey, and full of good news (with some bumps, but good news nonetheless).

In good news, Little B is doing better -- he's gaining weight and is only vomiting about once a day, which is actually really, really great. He's also been bugging the stuffing out of Big A, and as such, bugging the stuffing out of me. They are fighting over toys and movies ... Little B is taking things away from Big A ... they are tackling each other. And I have been thinking, "Good Lord! What is going on with these two kids!?!?" And then it hit me: They are acting like brothers. Like normal kids. Not a sick kid and his traumatized brother. Just brothers. Brothers who are going to beat on each other until their mother gets sick of both of them and puts them both in a time out. It's pretty awesome (fighting notwithstanding).

We are going to have a little New Year's Eve party. In deference to the kids' rather cut-in-stone bed times, we are pledging temporary alliance with Newfoundland -- they are four and a half hours ahead of Pacific time, which should permit us to get the kids to bed at about their normal time. Unfortunately, the whole planning thing is a little unclear at this point, so details (other than date and time) are a bit fuzzy. Hopefully, I'll think of something to feed folks soon!

We had an awesome Christmas -- Big A is *finally* into Santa, opening Christmas presents, and all things holiday spirit! He inspired me to decking out the house with decorations, lights, and many such holiday things. We started writing to Santa, drawing him pictures, and even an interest in leaving him cookies -- which we made from scratch the day before. It is quite the transformation. Also, let's just say that presents do not stand a chance! Big A not only can read his name, he can take apart a prettily wrapped present in mere seconds. And he's not above tackling a present if Mom and Dad are otherwise engaged. ;-) Little B is still trying to figure out Christmas. Sadly for my gift giving efforts, Little B has decided that Big A is the coolest cat in town, and that only Big A's presents are fun to play with... (see above comment about the boys being "brothers").


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