December 4: Back in the Big House

So I didn't update the blog as much as I had hoped th week, but it was just one of those weeks where we had a lot of good intentions but less time than we needed.

This week Big A and I spent a little time each day decorating for Christmas. Our house has lights on the front and back, and a few decorations spread around. Big A maintains we need more lights on the roof, but G is going to have to step up to do that. There's no way I'm getting on the roof! Yikes!

On Wednesday I got a bug in my shorts, and I took the boys to our local credit union to open savings accounts. I have no idea why it was so important, but boy, I was on a mission. The credit union was supposed to have little books and toys to "celebrate" opening a savings account, which is what I used to sell Big A on relinquishing his hard-scrounged quarters, nickels and dimes, but they discontinued the fun stuff and just took the money … well, we almost had a reoccurrence of the “sniffy incident” until I promised Big A dinner out, a new book on understanding money (I still need to make good on that), and all manner of other things. We did go out to Chevy’s (Mexican restaurant), and it actually went well.

We have been having some challenges with Little B. His vomiting had pretty much decreased to about one time a day, and then he unfortunately seemed to start having headaches, and then vomiting right after he indicates his headache is bad. Unfortunately, we think that the headaches might be associated with increased pressure in the brain. Well, in any case, yesterday (Friday), G took Little B into the ER, and they were admitted to the hospital for some additional testing. The neurosurgeon wants to “definitively” determine if pressure is causing the vomiting. Well, let’s hope the diagnostics are a little more effective than the last time we were in the hospital.

I stayed with Big A last night – he had his holiday performance for preschool. Big A did an awesome job!!! He even had his own knock-knock joke during the performance. Funny kid! The music was a little sketchy, but adorable none-the-less. ;-) It was remarkably difficult to get through the performance and potluck without knowing what was going on at the hospital. I was lucky enough to have Coco available to watch Big A after the performance (and he was in bed), so that I could take G dinner and switch about cars and whatnot. Big A and I are going to head up to the hospital in a few minutes to bring breakfast and hang out. And so it begins again…


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