December 30: The count-down continues

Oh, 2010, I'm so ready for you to be over. Nothing bad has happened in the last few days, I'm just ready for something "shiny and new". I don't know how 2011 will shake out, but I'm hoping that it's a little less drama than 2010. I'd like a nice, solid, uneventful year. One that allows a little time for family and friends, a little professional development, and the occasional celebration.

Highlights of 2010: the births of Marek Ezra and William Edward; me getting a new job; and our visit to the Midwest this summer.

Low points of 2010: well, pretty much the tumor business, as well as the feeding issues. I would say that is enough!

This week G and I have been staying home with the boys during the day. It's nice to be able to hang out, but I really do miss the structure of going into the office. It is amazing how important structure is to my little world. Big A misses preschool for the same reason -- a little more structure, and more opportunity to "learn and play with other kids." We've been reading books, going for bike rides (just a few due to the weather), painting, and whatnot, but it is just not the same as his preschool! Little B continues to terrorize Big A and his dad. It's pretty much hilarious, except for the havoc it is wreaking on family harmony. Little B is continuing to do well on the weight-gain front -- he was 19 lbs, 2 oz when we weighed him yesterday. In any case, here's hoping that Little B continues to grow and thrive in 2011.

Today the boys and I went to visit little Liam and his mommies. What an adorable little guy! And I have to say, the kid won the love lottery -- his mommies just adore him, and I can see why -- what a sweetie. I look forward to doting on him, as well!


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