Oh, so sleepy...

Wow, the Weeberts are just fried. All of us, it would seem, are ready for a break.

Sister Carrie and her girls went back to Michigan on Wednesday, and we miss them. The house is decidedly more quiet, and I'm not sure that we all expected that. The boys are a little bored, trying to amuse one another (instead of having a house-full of fun, ready to happen). We had our annual sprinkler party last weekend, and while it was fun, a group of older kids made it decidedly more aggressive than our normal frolic-in-the-sprinkler-type festival. It was a bit of an eye-opener for what may come about in a few years. Let's just say that I have will continue in my anti-squirt gun ramblings and rantings. The boys will complain about my ramblings. We will all live happily. ;-)

This week, though, we all seem to be a bit "hung over" from all the fun of the past few weeks. Mimi, Hea, and Crash (used to be Henry) left today for a 2-week Michigan trip. The boys are all kinds of bummed that Mimi and Hea aren't in the back yard to play with them. Little B is not feeling great -- he's had a low-grade fever for a few days and is a little more snarky than normal. Big A has had a headache for the past day or so and is likewise more snarky than normal. G is working crazy hours, trying to get some testing for work done.

I, of course, am remarkably chipper, positive, and downright gleeful... oh, wait. Not really. ;-) Things are going well, but the training for the half marathon is really tiring my legs out, and I think I need to get more "gear" to do the longer-distance runs, which I hate. I mean, I hate the act of shopping. The gear I hope will be functional and helpful. MMA is going well, but we are testing for a higher belt this week. I'm a little nervous about it, as I'm allegedly moving from a "beginner" to an "intermediate" stage. Let's just say that I am not an "artist" at this point, or even close. I'm also a little "older" than most of the folks I work out with. Like I could have birthed them. It's all very humbling. That being said, it's a good workout, so I'm just going to keep doing it until someone takes me aside and asks me to stop making a fool of myself.

In any case, this week is a "down" week for us. We have G's sister and her three girls coming in a few weeks, and we'd like to spend a week at the ocean before A's school starts. Where, oh where, did this summer go?


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