August 13: Brave New World

So it has been one week since we brought Little B home from the hospital. It has easily been the longest week of my life. Not a bad week, necessarily, just a week of learning and change (which anyone who knows me knows that I just thrive on... or not).

Little B is keeping down his feedings a bit better. He might be getting used to them, or it could be that the anti-nausea medicine helps him out. We'll take what we can get, though. :)

A is seeming to have a hard time with the attention that Little B is getting, which is understandable. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what we can do to make it better.

However, we did have a rather banner night today at dinner, where A actually tried seitan "ribz." So while it was rather traumatizing to get him to actually *try* the seitan (A: "I haven't tried them yet, and they might be terrible!!!"), once he did, he LOVED it! It took us a bit to get there, but we have a new and exciting addition to A's eating repertoire.

So I'm also very excited, but G and I are going *OUT* tonight! Without the kids! Little B is already asleep, and A is heading there soon. But once they are sleeping, Coco is watching the boys and G and I are sneaking out for ... something. We aren't really clear on what we are doing, but we're a little giddy just to get out of the house. Seriously silly, right?


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