August 23: Teething Continues...

So Little B's teething warpath continues. I am getting my butt kicked by a very cute 15 month old. Brutal. Just, brutal.

Today was a bit busy with the boys, but nothing too frantic. Tonight, just before dinner, we were listening to a little James Brown, with A, Little B and G shaking their moneymakers (and me giggling delightedly). Then James slowed down to a little croony song. G and I decided to dance a bit -- what a treat for a Monday evening. Then A and Little B decide that they want to dance with us. It was one of those beautiful moments where as a family we are one and all very snuggly and tender with one another... for about 15 seconds. With one well-placed kick to A's forehead, Little B shattered the moment (he was in G's arms), and our crazy Monday continued.


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