November 15: TIME OUT!

Ah, I hate it when the preschooler is smarter than I am.

So this morning started out nicely enough. B woke up at about 6:45, and we came downstairs to start our day. A and G woke up a little after us, and we settled in for Candy Land beat downs (A has never lost to me, and I don't even let him cheat!). A said "You're a poop," to me, so I put him in a time out. He was pretty bummed about a time out, but held up well. We then made some delicious pancakes for breakfast, and hung out a bit more. A and I practiced sword fighting, just in case. ;-)

I got both boys clothes on, and then they played with G. I hopped in the shower, and when I got out put on a robe and wrapped my hair in a towel. A was playing at the top of the stairs and I said "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I'm Mommy Monster and you better run!" Poor A was so scared he just shrieked! Silly kid! I think he's thinking about monsters too much lately . Well, it took me a good five minutes to get him calmed down and many, many promises to never do that again!

We then went downstairs to have a snack before A's friend's birthday party. I sat down with A while G was making A a snack. For some reason, I called A a "crazy pooper!", which is something that Aunt TT has long called A. Well, A and G both looked at me. And then I knew, I was getting put in a TIME OUT. *sigh*. A bellows, "Mommy, you said pooper! It's just like POOP. You need a time out!" And so I had to go put myself on a time out. Curses, foiled again! Oh well.

I put B down for a nap, and A and G headed off to A's friend's birthday party. When B woke up, I went and cleaned out the van and get groceries. B was very nice about our adventure and didn't even squawk.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except that I made a total amateur mistake when changing B after his nap. I wasn't expecting poo in his diaper, and it sorta caught me off-kilter. B was rolling around a bit, so the dirty diaper rolled into the clean diaper, and got poo on it. Then B kicked particularly forcefully and landed his sock in the poo. I got both poo diapers off the changing table, and stuck my finger in the poo. Grr. Taking a deep breath (through my mouth), I wiped off my finger, wrapped up all the diapers (and wipes), took off B's sock and then washed my hands. Then put on a new diaper. And was ambushed into a sword fight with a four-year old bad pirate. Ah, just another Sunday!

In any case, we had black bean soup for dinner with cornbread. Took a walk, gave baths to both Weebert pirate boys, and settled in for the night. What a weekend! The family is starting to arrive next Saturday!!! We're so excited!


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