November 9: Manic Monday?

Heard around the house today:
  • A to me, as he puts his plastic sword on his nose: "Look Mommy, I'm a sword-fish. Get it?!? Sword-Fish!!!" Priceless, kid. Priceless.
  • A to me, after I forgot to get him his juice, which he had asked nicely for: "Mommy, I'm really thirsty, and my patience is in the back yard. Please. Get. Me. My. Juice!"

So B is officially teething. He's actually been a little trooper, though. No fever, no red cheeks. He was pretty fractious last night, though. I think he was just in a little too much pain. Tonight we dosed him with Tylenol, poor little man. He seems to be sleeping pretty well so far (all things being equal), but I'm going to sleep as soon as I finish writing this, just in case.

B is also practicing his pinch-ing fingers moves. I introduced cheerios at lunch today, and he was downright gleeful at having something to be able to chase around his little highchair table.

Today is Hea's birthday, and Hea and Mimi are coming over tomorrow to celebrate with some dinner and cake. A has been horribly concerned that Hea won't share her cake for some reason, and has been asking me pretty much all day as to whether I thought Hea would share a piece of cake with him. So funny.

A has been doing great with eating. Eggs (drowned in syrup) and cheerios for breakfast. A "meatball" and pasta for dinner (both drowned in ketchup). Yogurt for desert. He's really come a long way!

Tonight's dinner was pasta with a red sauce (tomatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, red wine) and vegan "meatballs", rounded out with a spinach, tomato and Parmesan cheese salad with balsamic vinaigrette. B has been really having a lot of fun eating at dinner, so he got a quick bath and then we took a very short walk before B let out a number of squawks of displeasure. Luckily, we turned around when he did, as it started really raining just as we hit the driveway.


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