November 19: Run...

Today was a zoo. Clients were crazy, kids were crazy. I'm not sure what's going on, but I want a drink or a nap, and maybe both.

A went to school today, although he really didn't want to do so. (Notice, I'm not saying that he was sick and didn't want to go to school. He just wasn't that into it.) Mimi came over to play with B, and B took a gigantic nap. I'm only hoping he doesn't decide to get an ear infection or two as well. Eeek!

B and I picked up A after school, and then dropped off some donations at Salvation Army. We then went to Freddies and got a sword holder and some other miscellaneous things for when the family comes out. A was hungry for a snack while at Freddies and became monster-boy. Yee-Haw, that kid can be a terror when he wants a snack. Only promises of crackers AND JUICE would shut him down. Interestingly, after I promised, A said to me, "Let's hold hands. I'm not going to be mad at you anymore because you aren't going to starve me." Well, OK? He had literally just had a snack an hour earlier. I do not foresee starvation for a child who eats EIGHT times a day. Drama does, though, run in the family.

We then picked up photos that we had printed out at Walgreens. Hea did such a nice job taking them! By the time we got home, I was ready to run screaming from the house. Instead of running away, we watched a movie and I hung up photos. They're quite nice. G got home and we went to Red Robin for dinner. Mmm, carbs.

Both boys are in bed, and I'm going to work on Christmas presents. Good times with Mod Podge!


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