December 20: Whew! What a weekend!

This was a great, crazy weekend. Today we got up early and went to Our Daily Bread for breakfast. Yummy! The people there are so nice and tolerant of the kids. They all know A and B by name, as we used to go to breakfast pretty much every weekend. We started to go there about two years before A was born ... yeah, we're lifers!

After breakfast, G, I and A all decided to do some "stuff" purging. We hit our three big problem areas today: books, clothes and toys. Wow! We did great. In an hour and a half, we had about 10 good-sized boxes to give to Goodwill. A did a rocking great job being a "Holiday Hero" and relinquished some of his toys so that other kids could have toys.

After lunch, I went out to do some holiday shopping for the boys. I was pretty successful. There's one toy I got from A that I think was a mistake or at least something that I'll like more than he ever will, so I'm taking it back tomorrow. I put B down for a nap and started going through three boxes of "stuff" G had found in a closet. Low and behold, it was boxes from when we moved. I found a ton of clothes that I remembered having, but hadn't been able to find for the three years we've lived here!

I made a big salad, some roasted tempeh and couscous for dinner. A did pretty deplorable with eating, but he had eaten a HUGE breakfast. He did try to mooch out a snack as soon as he was done with his bath, but I had saved his leftover dinner, and he had that instead. I think we're really going to need to work on A's eating this upcoming year. He seems to be doing worse and worse, and it's really stressing G and I out.

B did great with falling asleep -- only about 15 minutes of shrieking. I am almost getting used to it.


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