December 27 and 28: Chilly, quiet weekend

So it has been *cold* in Portland. I know that cold in Portland is downright balmy in the Midwest sometimes, but for us, it has been a bit trying.

Yesterday, G and I took turns working out in the yard trying to get our winter pruning done. I took the boys out for a little while, but it was so windy and chilly that we decided that the boys had best stay in.

A had a grand old time playing with the toys he got for Christmas. Big favorites at this point are Grandma Weebert's fishing game and Grandma Bush's ninja guys, which he calls "spidermans". They basically talk to each other in scary voices. Also a run-away hit is the pirate Legos from Mikey and Carrie. In all, he had quite a wonderful Christmas. Also a first for us, we opened the vast majority of our Christmas presents in one day, instead of spreading it out over a number of weeks. Much fun!

[Baby B loved his presents as well. Especially the stacking cups from Grandma Weebert and the stuffed tiger from Grandma Bush. ]

Today we got up early and went to Our Daily Bread for breakfast. Then we came home and A and B played with their Christmas presents. G and I continued to work on purging excess "stuff". Good Times. ;-)


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