December 21: School Vacation, Day 1

Today was quite nice. A had school vacation, so we got around early and made coffee cake. The coffee cake was for A's preschool teachers' holiday present. They were having a work day today and we were concerned that they might be hungry or tired. A was a big helper and cut up the apples for the cake all by himself. He was quite proud! We then went and got coffee for his teachers and finished getting out holiday gifts and packages.

We stopped in and dropped off gifts, coffee, and coffee cake to the teachers, and had a nice visit. After we were done, we came home and had a little lunch. Then, A's friend Ni came over for a play date. They had such a great time! I had a nice time chatting with Ni's mom. We're both wondering what to do with the kids for school next fall. Happily enough, it looks like we're both looking at the same schools. It would be nice if A and Ni could go to the same school. That being said, A will be a year behind Ni(due to age cut-offs), so it might be a little hard for them to maintain their friendship.

After Ni and her mom went home, A and I decided to make some dinner. A chopped up the celery for the soup. I'm hoping that helping with the cooking gets him a little more comfortable with food. He did try a taste of the soup, which has to count for something.

We took a nice little walk after dinner. In all, it was quite a nice day. Tonight, I spent the night obsessing over schools. So silly.


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