February 12: Weeks are blending...

We had fun today. I billed and cleaned the house while A was at school. Baby B was a clingy little snuggle monkey today -- one of the new teeth is giving him problems.

When A got home, we went over to JoAnns (I think I went there twice this week, lordy) and I got a few projects for Valentines day decorations. I thought I might decorate the house as a surprise for the boys on the morning of the 14th.

Then we had a play date with A's friend Red. They were both pretty tired, but managed to get through the play date without too many tears. I really am happy that we are getting to know our neighbors.

I made pizza for dinner -- this time a white sauce on sliced foccacia. So. freaking. amazing! Red's mom mentioned that the mom of a friend of hers started having pizza night of Fridays decades ago, and still to this day makes pizza on Fridays. She now just requires all children, spouses of children, and grandchildren come over for pizza! It was odd to me, for some reason, to realize: (a) that I might have grandchildren some day; and (b) that I might start a tradition now that may continue for decades or more. It just struck me as odd for some reason. In any case, we had our first case of eating reverse-sibling rivalry. I made small pasta shells for Baby B for dinner, and A decided he wanted to take a taste. I gave him one little shell, and he decided he liked it, ALOT. When he asked for more, I had to think long and hard about it because it was for Baby B... and then gave him more. He asked for ketchup to dip the shells in... and then proceeded to eat like a cup of them. What a crazy kid.

I'm not much of a crafter, but I'm enjoying putting together the little crafts to decorate the house. I thought about having A help me do the crafts, but then I thought it might be fun to wake up to a big surprise... he does so love the surprises.

Tomorrow will hopefully be fun -- I think we're going to go swimming at a community pool. It will be Baby B's first swimming adventure. ;-)


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