February 25: Missing in Action

It's been a while since I've posted; it has been quite the week.

The weather for camping was glorious: sunny and 50s. Our cabin was wonderful -- Oregon State Parks is just amazing. Camping was educational -- we haven't camped in a long time, and our gear was a bit mussed. I forgot to pack a few things, but nothing that we couldn't live without. Our next trip will be more organized. A and B did an OK job with camping. B had a hard time sleeping in the pack and play. We did a lot of dragon, fox, and dinosaur hunting -- A is in a very big "hunting" phase -- the horror for a vegetarian parent. It was very arduous! A's a big fan of the Fox and the Hound movie. Mimi and Hea surprised us with a visit on Saturday. The park we stayed at was only about 20 or so minutes from our house. In any case, we had delicious s'mores and hot chocolate two nights in a row, which made it worthwhile for everyone involved. There are more photos on Facebook.

Last weekend, we also planted seven fruit and nut trees. I only hope they grow -- our soil is primarily clay -- ok, 99% clay. I amended the soil a bit, but the little roots are going to go beyond the holes we dug soon enough. I went a little overboard and we have three more apple trees, six rosa rugosas, and a few blackberry bushes coming in the next few days. Love it. I can't wait for our mini-orchard to really get going. It will also be nice to get our back hill looking a little more lush, as opposed to living up to the neighborhood name for it, "the dirt hill."

This last week was a little wacky, as well. I decided to lease office space near where we live. It's in an incredible space, and I can walk or ride my bike to work. I'm really looking forward to it. I got office furniture yesterday, and it should be delivered next weekend.

Baby B has another tooth coming in, to both of our dismay. We think it is probably another bottom tooth. He's on tooth number 7! How is it possible? He's also going through a good bout of separation anxiety every time I leave the room. It's very traumatizing (or annoying) for everyone. Hopefully he'll be through it soon. Hopefully.

A is going through a phase of really complicated playing. Usually, the games involve chasing girls, superheroes of some sort, and pink (or stinky) bombs or something of the like. I know he's getting it all from school, as we've never introduced Spider Man or X Men (and we don't have unmonitored TV time). I find it all very confusing -- the play set-up is long and twisty and tends to morph. A finds me a tiresome playmate, as I don't know what we're supposed to be doing. G is much better, as he just asks A before doing anything what A wants G to be doing. It's a much better way to do it, it just makes be a *little* insane. Oh well, at least he still wants to play with us. For now. We hope.


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