February 28: Another fun weekend

We had another great weekend -- what luck. On Saturday, G took A ice skating for the first time, which was a huge hit. Unfortunately, A is now talking about getting a hockey stick. Mommy is not excited about this! After skating, G went to band practice and Baby B, A and I hung out at home.

Today we woke up early and had breakfast, and then went to a birthday party for A's friend, Max. Max turned 2 today. A had a ball. When we got home, I made lunch for A and B. Then I got to go out and frolic for a while. It was quite lovely to get out for a while. It has been some time since I've had a little "me" time. I picked up a few pair of khakis, some hair stuff, and went to Trader Joes for groceries. I got a number of "snack foods" for A -- crunchy beans, pea crisps, and vegetable "chips" -- perfect for the kid who won't eat vegetables. Baby B also enjoyed the pea crisps and vegetable chips.

Heard today: A to B, "B, stop it. I am not a chew toy."


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