June 13: Whew! Who knew?!?

This weekend has been l-o-n-g... The sun really energized G and I, and we got just a ton done around the house and the yard. Unfortunately, we're just beat! To add to G's tiredness, he's off at an open mic, being a rock star. Happily enough for me, the boys went to sleep like a dream (I think they were both worn out by all the activities, as well!).

We only have *four* more days until preschool is over for the year. It sort of hit me today, and I chatted with A. We decided that we would study whales this summer. I found that there are about 40 different types of whales out there, so we're going to do our best to go through them this summer (maybe focusing on the ones that are a bit better known). I'll try to post some of the projects we do. Right now I'm trying to think of some fun activities and ways to actually see whales, which might take some doing. ;) I've never had much luck with whale watching, and the kid gets seasick at the drop of a dime. Maybe movies.

As an aside, the boys were disgustingly, disgustingly dirty tonight. I mean appallingly dirty. It was just gross. Happily enough, baths all around pretty much got most of the dirt off them. I don't even want to think about what is sitting in the tub right now to clean up. Hate to admit it, but I didn't realize how t-shirts, shorts and sandals just let all that dirt get everywhere. Add to that, eating, sippy cups, dirt, and snot, and wow. Horrifying.


  1. You may want to check out this Awesome Ocean Science for your study this summer. It's oceans in general, but it might be a fun tie-in. We had a lot of fun with it and I remember most of the experiments we did being nice and visual and actually working! The One Small Square books are kind of cool too if you haven't seen those yet and there is one on oceans that may have some whale stuff. :-) Have fun!


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