June 25: Chop, chop, chop!

So today Little B got his first haircut! He did soooo well, the stylist at Great Clips was *shocked*. No crying, no fussing. As long as he could sit on my lap, he was happy enough. And no more baby mullet! Hea and Mimi will be so relieved! :-)

Otherwise, it was a rather standard day. I worked until about 1 pm, then the boys and I played outside for a while. A helped me to make pizza crust -- he added salt, which one must agree is very important. We had pizza for dinner -- our Friday tradition. Both boys ate pretty well, which was a relief. Then we went for a walk -- Little B had a few donettes (which makes me insane, but we won't go there again tonight!). When we got home, Little B ate peanut butter and jam. What's up with this kid??? In any case, he had a quick bath in the sink, and fell promptly asleep.


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