June 26: What a lovely day!

Today was oddly nice. A got a special surprise when his violin arrived in the post today. He was sooo excited! G is going to give him lessons this summer. He is adamant that he practice hard to prepare for his concert... apparently we're going to have a concert at the end of the summer.

We decided to do up our lanai, and are in need of a rug and cushions for the chairs... well, that and some other things. In any case, we went to Home Depot and Target without luck. Oh well. More opportunities to search tomorrow. In any case, we then went to the fountain in Bethany Village to let the boys (all three of them) run through the water. They had a ball!

If this all wasn't enough, we went to our friends' house for dinner. We had some wonderful Thai, and just a really relaxing evening. What a great day!


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