June 20: Happy Father's Day, G!

While the boys easily have the best dad on earth, today was a bit of a slog. We went out to breakfast, but Little B didn’t bother eating much. We also got back a little late for his nap, which started a bit of a downward spiral. The day was cold (55 degrees, yes 55 – it has been this way for a while now), and rainy. We sort of limped along for most of the rest of the day. We did head out to the zoo at about 2:30, and were only rained on a little bit. We came home and made dinner – which G proclaimed “Dad’s Day Dinner” – so at least we established a family tradition. After dinner, I did my own bit of proclaiming, and decreed that both boys were in dire need of a bath. After thorough hair and body washes, both boys were significantly less stinky.

In good news, Little B walked today! He took his first four steps, unassisted. I think he probably would have walked sooner, but we sort of carry him everywhere (we usually are running after A, if you know what I mean). In any case, it was quite an event! He’s also really into walking – we had a heck of a time keeping him in his stroller at the zoo. I’m not sure how this is going to work for G and I, but Little B is ready to roll!


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