I Hate Food
I hate food. There, I've said it. I hate, without limit, eating and all things associated with it.
Big A is in a "down" cycle for eating, and we are really struggling with him. He has lost four pounds in the past few months, which is probably due to sore teeth (he's losing a boatload of them now), growing like a weed (he's grown three inches from last winter), and refusing to eat anything. And you think I'm kidding, right? This is the normal lament of parents the world over? Nope. Sorry, not in the bizarre world of the Weeberts. It is so frustrating. Big A has been "sneaking" food, as well, lately. Neither G or I have ever said "no" to the kid over food, so we're not sure where this is coming from. Gads.
In exciting news, it looks like Little B might almost be ready to start the G-tube weaning process. But that means that we take away my happy, happy safety net of know that with a blended diet, we are giving him a wonderfully balanced, nutritionally complete diet. And maybe he will be a good eater, once he learns how. But at this point, well... he likes ice cream. We have been going to a "eating group" once a week for the past few months, which has been great, but the group is going on summer break. Well, all of the desperate parents in the group have banded together and are doing "eating group" together. We are excited about this, but unfortunately, it comes with a loss of trained speech-language pathologists and leaves us with a whole bunch of parents trying to do their best.
Little B has also asked to do "Food School" for his summer project. (Big A is doing spy school.) Little B said he would like to learn to eat because he is tired of having to use his g-tube. So gut-wrenching, as a parent, to hear. But in any case, I'm putting together a food school curriculum for us to use. Because I'll be honest, if you look for food curricula online, all you can find is the "eat healthy - don't get fat" stuff. Wow, if I put that in front of Big A and Little B, they would FREAK out. I am just sort of surprised that in our society, it is such a problem to just enjoy food. Well, I guess I shouldn't be. Look at my little monsters. In any case, I digress. I will post what I come up with to share with others.
G and I are on the eve of hitting 40. Wow, we're getting up there. So we'd like to take care of ourselves, and I am working to lose a little weight (OK, quite a bit of weight, but let's not be dramatic). So we have our own little food issues as well. Lots of spinach smoothies at our house lately. If you're interested, here is the recipe:
And then there is dairy... I think, in all honesty, I probably have an intolerance of some sort to dairy. If I eat cheese, I get the worst allergic response -- headache, stuffiness, ugh. In any case, Little B LOVES dairy -- cows milk (whole, of course) and ice cream. Big A likes soy milk, but can do some dairy. Oh dairy, you are cruel, cruel, cruel.
In any case, this is an all-over-the-place post. Long story short: Look for a food-based summer curriculum/ideas in the next week or two. Also, the Weeberts, as a family, are going to start doing restaurant reviews. This should be *beyond hilarious*, given the make-up of the Weebert clan. We're starting with buffets, which we hope will allow the boys to explore new foods without the pressure of Mom having to cook a ton of stuff only to have the boys hate it... (sigh) I will write up our review tomorrow of Izzy's Pizza in Beaverton. Beware, restaurants of the Portland Metro. Big A and Little B have notebooks and their eyes on you. :-)
Big A is in a "down" cycle for eating, and we are really struggling with him. He has lost four pounds in the past few months, which is probably due to sore teeth (he's losing a boatload of them now), growing like a weed (he's grown three inches from last winter), and refusing to eat anything. And you think I'm kidding, right? This is the normal lament of parents the world over? Nope. Sorry, not in the bizarre world of the Weeberts. It is so frustrating. Big A has been "sneaking" food, as well, lately. Neither G or I have ever said "no" to the kid over food, so we're not sure where this is coming from. Gads.
In exciting news, it looks like Little B might almost be ready to start the G-tube weaning process. But that means that we take away my happy, happy safety net of know that with a blended diet, we are giving him a wonderfully balanced, nutritionally complete diet. And maybe he will be a good eater, once he learns how. But at this point, well... he likes ice cream. We have been going to a "eating group" once a week for the past few months, which has been great, but the group is going on summer break. Well, all of the desperate parents in the group have banded together and are doing "eating group" together. We are excited about this, but unfortunately, it comes with a loss of trained speech-language pathologists and leaves us with a whole bunch of parents trying to do their best.
Little B has also asked to do "Food School" for his summer project. (Big A is doing spy school.) Little B said he would like to learn to eat because he is tired of having to use his g-tube. So gut-wrenching, as a parent, to hear. But in any case, I'm putting together a food school curriculum for us to use. Because I'll be honest, if you look for food curricula online, all you can find is the "eat healthy - don't get fat" stuff. Wow, if I put that in front of Big A and Little B, they would FREAK out. I am just sort of surprised that in our society, it is such a problem to just enjoy food. Well, I guess I shouldn't be. Look at my little monsters. In any case, I digress. I will post what I come up with to share with others.
G and I are on the eve of hitting 40. Wow, we're getting up there. So we'd like to take care of ourselves, and I am working to lose a little weight (OK, quite a bit of weight, but let's not be dramatic). So we have our own little food issues as well. Lots of spinach smoothies at our house lately. If you're interested, here is the recipe:
1 c strawberries (frozen) or any berries, really
1 med. banana
2 c fresh spinach
1 1/4 c cold water
1 t cinnamon
2 T ground flax seed
1 t fresh ginger (I like this, G does not)
Blend thoroughly. Drink with a straw.
And then there is dairy... I think, in all honesty, I probably have an intolerance of some sort to dairy. If I eat cheese, I get the worst allergic response -- headache, stuffiness, ugh. In any case, Little B LOVES dairy -- cows milk (whole, of course) and ice cream. Big A likes soy milk, but can do some dairy. Oh dairy, you are cruel, cruel, cruel.
In any case, this is an all-over-the-place post. Long story short: Look for a food-based summer curriculum/ideas in the next week or two. Also, the Weeberts, as a family, are going to start doing restaurant reviews. This should be *beyond hilarious*, given the make-up of the Weebert clan. We're starting with buffets, which we hope will allow the boys to explore new foods without the pressure of Mom having to cook a ton of stuff only to have the boys hate it... (sigh) I will write up our review tomorrow of Izzy's Pizza in Beaverton. Beware, restaurants of the Portland Metro. Big A and Little B have notebooks and their eyes on you. :-)
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