January 17: Rain, rain, here to stay

Wow, it has been rainy and grey for a while now. Not that I'm complaining... it just has been squishy for a long time. I think we all might be a little Vitamin D deficient. G read an interesting study linking children needing glasses to not spending at least 14 hours a week outdoors. The study was pretty amazing, so we're really trying to keep A outside. Unfortunately, well, it's raining out there. A lot.

We had breakfast this morning at Our Daily Bread. A was charming to the wait staff, as usual. He at two whole pieces of french toast! Baby B also packed away quite a bit. :-) A also tried tomato soup and cheez sandwiches for lunch. He liked dipping the sandwich in the soup, but wouldn't just eat the soup... oh well, baby steps.

I went to Jo-Anns to pick up supplies for the little quilting project... Oh. My. Stars. They had quilting fabric on sale for 50% off. Talk about test of restraint! There was so much cute stuff, but I'm happy to report that I resisted and only came home with two quilt backings and some bias tape. Whew! That was tough.

We also did a bit of kitchen math today -- math associated with making jello is much more compelling than our preschool pages. The strawberry jello was a big hit for everyone.

Last night was a little brutal in terms of sleep. Baby B was up from 1 am to 4 am, so neither of us got a lot of sleep. Happily, we all took a great nap today while G was at band practice. Hopefully, both boys sleep better tonight (I say that a lot, don't I?!?).


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