January 29: Grow, little B...

So Baby B had his nine-month appointment today. Poor little fellow had to get three shots, in addition to three teeth coming in and a cold. Wow. That is one unhappy little mister! Amazingly enough, our good little eater isn't really tipping the scales. He's in the 90th percentile for height and head circumference, but in only the 12th percentile for weight. (Percentiles are comparisons of other babies his age, meaning he's taller and has a larger head than 90% of all the other 9-month old babies out there, and weighs less than 88% of the other babies out there). And here I hoped that he'd take a little after me and be short and rounder. Oh well, definitely his father's son.

A stayed home again today from school. He doesn't seem to be feeling particularly well still, and has a cough and a fever. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow, or I have to figure out a way to explain why he can't go to his friend's swimming pool birthday party. Good god, I don't want to have that conversation!!!

Mimi and Hea are home from their vacation! They seemed to have a great time, which is wonderful. Now the poor things have to go back to work for two and three days, so hopefully the babies will treat them well.


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