March 1: Adventures in domesticity

Oh. my. stars. What a day. We woke up happily enough, but there's a mouse or some sort of little creature hanging out in our cold air return vent. I have a *slight* phobia of mice and have been horribly on-edge all day. Damn near hysterical, in all honesty. I'm jumping about a mile whenever the house makes the slightest creak. So ridiculous. I am an ardent feminist and all, but G is going to have to take point on this one. Little rodents freak. me. out.

I also tried to clean the stove, which is pretty rare for me. OK, in all honesty, today was to be the first oven cleaning since we've moved in. Well, I wasn't sure if our oven was self cleaning or not, so I went and checked out the buttons (seemed like a good first step), well there was a button that said "cleaning timer", well, sounds promising, right? So I pushed it. Well, the stove went into this lock-down mode. Unfortunately, I had left a pizza stone in the oven, but couldn't get it out. Well, three hours later (and the kitchen considerably warmer), the stove starts beeping. An hour later, it goes quiet and the lock disengages. I open the oven door, and the oven is sparkling clean and the pizza stone looks brand spanking new. Amazing. G thinks that we should clean all our pans that way. He's always thinking! :-)

G brought home Thai for dinner because I wasn't sure when the oven was going to stop freaking out. Everyone wins.

The kids were in fine form today. A was happy to go to school Baby B was in a relatively good mood. Can't complain. Except for the critter in the cold air return. That's really freaking me out.


  1. Once during law school Kat and I were hosting a dinner party and the guys were cooking the meal. Chrissie's husband, the engineer, decided the oven was being opened too much to check on the food and that the food would never cook that way so he flipped the "lock" on the door. Which started the cleaning cycle, with all of our food inside.

    The girls all thought this was hilarious, since we were probably into our 3rd bottle of wine by that time. Four guys: 2 law students, an engineer, and a chef, went into high gear to save our food...pulling the oven out, unplugging it, borrowing every wrench and screwdriver Kat and I had (okay, all 3 - maybe) trying to pry the oven door open. Eventually, having unplugged it, I guess, the lock released, before the food was burned to a crisp. I vaguely remember the food, but the "entertainment" was priceless.


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