August 18: Hot! Hot! Hot!

If you want to make the Weebert household grumpy, turn up the heat! It was pretty warm for us today (95+), making life a little less rosy for all of us. B gets just despondent -- crying for long stretches for no reason, wanting to nurse incessantly. A, G and I all just get a little more testy than we should be... ah well, only one more day of this heat and then we should be back to our *pleasant*, chipper selves. Case-in-point, today A says to B (who was gearing to throw quite a fit), "Um, we do *not* need any cranky babies at our house."

The house painters worked most of the day away, bless their souls. Today was a day of scraping. I was half worried that one would fall off from his ladder from heat exhaustion.

A continues to do well with his eating. He seems to have made a conscious decision to try "new" and "different" things, even though he really doesn't seem to want to do so. Sometimes he loses his nerve at the last minute, but he does continue to make an effort. Kudos to A!

B is still struggling to accept a bottle with formula, so we're going to take a step back and do a bottle with breast milk. Fingers crossed, because I really don't want there to be a showdown when I start school.

Time to read my housing policy textbook. Good times!


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