August 24: PM Edition

Well, G survived work for the day. And the three ya-hoos at home did OK as well. B only got about 1.5 hours worth of nap today instead of his usual 3 hours, but we'll work on that.

I'm not sure A is going to appreciate Mommy's new world order, but I'm hoping he at least gets used to it. For A, we're going to work on being a big helper, and hopefully cleaning up have himself a bit more. I'm guessing that's every parents' goal, though, right?

I got a bit of work done, but it's going to be tight as time goes on. I'm working more at night in hopes of getting things done early. The people I'm going to be working with in the fall must think I'm insane, asking for tasks as early as I am. Oh well. If they think I'm insane to start with, hopefully I won't live down to their expectations.

We'll have to see how tomorrow goes. Fingers crossed!


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