August 23: The End of a Long Weekend

This weekend was not much one to write about. We got a lot of stuff done (laundry and the like), but nothing too exciting happened. The house is looking good, as the painters worked hard on Saturday. Unfortunately, our garden that is against the house, as well as our front beds have been massacred by the painters. We're going to need to replant quite a bit this fall.

A, as usual, provided much entertainment:

1. A was in bed and having trouble sleeping Saturday night, so I went in to lie down with him. I mentioned that I had come upstairs to take a bath, but that I would do that later. A looks at me, sniffs my arm a few times and says: "Peee-yooo! You are stinky! We don't let stinky Mommies in my bed! You had better go take a bath!"

2. This isn’t new, but whenever we see a motorcycle on the highway, A will say: “Hey! I need to go get my tricycle, so that I can follow after them!” He’s so earnest about it, I just love it. When I mention that the motorcycle is going fast, he responds along the lines of “I can ride very fast. I wear a helmet.” There you go!


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