August 29: Where did the crazy come from?

Well, today was nice, but a bit disjointed. We woke up and made pancakes, as it wouldn't be a good morning without pancakes (per A). Poor A was trying to be a big boy and carry his pre-cut pancakes to the table when he stubbed his toe on a toy that had been left out and crashed to the floor. Cayenne thought is was the most marvelous rainstorm of buttered pancake pieces ever and nearly crushed A in her frenzied attempts to scarf them down before... someone else{?} got them. Silly dog. A was super upset with both himself and Cayenne. Well, we averted a crisis by slinging up more pancakes with more butter, and having as stern of a lecture as I could muster before coffee about why we need to keep toys out of the kitchen.

Then A, B and I went outside and I tried to clean out the pump room. What a freaking mess! How do we accumulate so much gardening stuff? OK, well, it's me, but still, it's a nightmare. In any case, I got it about half-way done before B kicked up a tremendous fuss, so we went inside. Once he got calmed down {read: Fed}, I worked on finishing cleaning out the laundry room. Apparently, I'm having an OCD flare-up or delayed post-pregnancy nesting issues, because I cleaned out the closet, reorganized the cupboards, and then tried to convince G to clean up his cupboard space. Wow. Some days I annoy even myself.

B and I went to have lunch with a friend, Forrest. He's an acupuncturist who helped me out quite a bit when I was pregnant for A and feeling rather poorly. What a great career -- being able to help people like that. I checked out his new office, which is on SE Foster. He has a great place -- very light and open. B did great throughout brunch. He was actually pretty quiet all day; rather unusual for a kid nicknamed the "Squeaker"!

When we got home, A and I went to QFC to get food for dinner. Mimi and Hea came over for Mexican. We had a great time, of course. B seemed to be getting a long better with everyone -- he was just so mellow it was great. We had black bean and corn salad on corn tortillas. A had a cheese sandwich on a tortilla. Crazy Kid. For dessert, after a nice walk to the duck pond, we had pumpkin pudding in graham cracker crust, which was rather like "pumpkin pie". A loved it and ate 1/4 of the pie!!! The hungriest boy ever showed up again!


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