August 31: Big Day for Baby B!

So B had a pretty big day today, as baby things go. We officially moved him into 6 mo clothes, but he's been wearing them for about three weeks now. I guess the better way to say it is that I put away his 3 mo clothes because they just don't fit anymore. While I was sorting clothes, B flopped over in his bed! His first time rolling over! If B is anything like A, this will be his main mode of self-transportation for the next few months. A was never a fan of crawling, but he could roll 15 feet in 30 seconds.

Then, if that wasn't enough, B was chewing on everything and drooling like a madman, so I went ahead and filled this little net teether we have with apple slices, and he happily gummed those to death. So, we have new clothes, new transportation and new food all in one day! Go, B, go!

A wasn't sitting blithely by today, either. We went to Pirate's Park where A made a lot of new best friends (B napped in the stroller). Then we walked a different way home, which was deemed a "big adventure". We then had some lunch and went for a second walk. B protested mightily to being stuck in the stroller again, so we went ahead and turned around. We ended up in the backyard, where A and B played on the swing set for a good hour. B has a baby swing that is attached to the swing set, and he just loves it. A and I sang B-I-N-G-O until I wanted to cry, and then we all decided it was time for a nap.

All - in - all, an excellent day. Tonight, A and G built and incredible robot. It's pretty impressive!


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